
Doktorgradsavhandlinger til ansatte som har vært eller er tilknyttet AFS.

Ben Michael Danby Kamsvåg NTNU Open: Alcohol Consumption Among Older Adults Seeking Assessment for Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. NTNU.2024

Guro Falk Eriksen: Age-related considerations when providing radiotherapy to older patients with cancer ( UIO. 2023

May Ingvild Volungholen Sollid: Experiencing radiotherapy Quality of care from the perspective of patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy NTNU.2023

Ole Kristian Alhaug: Lumbar spinal stenosis, assessing failure and worsening after surgery. Identifying predictive factors with critical use of data from a national spine registry (NORspine) NTNU.2023

Kari Anne Hoel: Home care services for people with dementia – Tailored and person-centered for improved quality of care ( UIO.2023

Ola Berger Christiansen:Quality measurements and patient experiences after radical prostatectomy: A register-based study ( UIO.2022

Karen Sverdrup: Mobility in older adults with cognitive impairment and dementia, UiO 2022.

Janne Myhre: The role of leadership in promoting safety for nursing home residents and preventing elder abuse and neglect, NTNU. 2021

Magnus Harneshaug: Vulnerability measures in older adults with cancer, and their potential covariance and impact, UIO. 2021

Lene Kirkhus: Assessment and impact of frailty and comorbidity in older cancer patients , UIO. 2020

Arnt Egil Ydstebø: Home-dwelling persons with dementia. The impact of individual and organizational factors on the use of health resources and quality of life, Univ I Stavanger 2020

Alka Goyal: Anxiety in people with dementia: A common, but unidentified and underestimated, condition ,UIO. 2019

Bjørn Lichtwarck: The development and evaluation of TIME – Targeted Interdisciplinary Model for Treatment and Evaluation of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms: An effectiveness-implementation cluster randomised hybrid trial in nursing homes, UIO. 2019

Irene Mari Røen: Pathways through care – organisational, staff and patient characteristics, person-centred care and its association with quality of life in Norwegian nursing homes, UIO. 2019

Eivind Aakhus: Tailored Implementation for Chronic Diseases: Depression in the Elderly, UiO, 2017

Tom Borza: Depression in later life – The course of depression and depressive symptoms among the elderly in Norway UIO. 2017

Sverre Bergh: Neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with dementia in Norwegian nursing homes : the course of the symptoms and the effect of discontinuation of psychotropic medication, UIO. 2012

Oskar Sommer: Agitation in Patients with Dementia – Challenges in Diagnosis and Treatment. MD, PhD. Ullevål Universitetssykehus, UiO. 2010.

Geir Selbæk: Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in Norwegian nursing homes –prevalence, course and association with psychotropic drug use, UiO, 2007

Øyvind Kirkevold: Use of restraints in Norwegian nursing homes, focusing on persons with dementia. Dr. philos. Geriatrisk avdeling, Ullevål universitetssykehus. UiO, 2005.