About us

The research center for age-related functional decline and disease (AFS) is a part of Innlandet Hospital Trust, and was established in 2004. The research center is located at Sanderud Hospital, near the town of Hamar, Innlandet County.

The main objective of AFS is to promote research in age-related functional decline and disease. Our goal is to be a leading center for research within dementia and old age psychiatry, cancer among the elderly, and health services for the elderly. This involves performing research relating to elderly in municipalities and within specialist hospital services, being an active research environment through PhD projects and post doctorate projects, and collaborating with leading national and international research groups.

Our international collaborators and network associates:

  • King’s College, London, England – Collaboration on genetics and epigenetics in dementia
  • University of Exeter, England – Collaboration on genetics and epigenetics in dementia
  • University of Groningen, Holland – Collaboration on research on neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in dementia
  • Radboud University, Nijmegen, Holland – Collaboration on aggression in nursing homes project
  • Keck School of Medicine, University of southern California (USC) –  Collaboration, aggression in nursing homes project
  • University of Alabama, Edmonton, Canada –  Collaboration on research relating to elderly in cancer treatment and what body composition means for treatment effect
  • Hochsscule für Gesundheits, University for Applied Science, Bochum, Germany – Collaboration on research on health services 
  • RECAGE – EU project on NPS in dementia, collaboration with several European countries
  • SMILE – EU project on smart digital solutions for people living at home with COPD, dementia or post-operative follow up. Collaboration with research institutions and hospitals in 5 European countries (Norway, Holland, Denmark, and Canada)